About Us

Tim and Slater Powell have lived and worked in the Topsail area since 1983. Tim Powell has owned, serviced, and managed multiple properties throughout that time and is intimately familiar with property owner nuances including coordination with outside rental management entities. Knowledge of, and relationships with local real estate companies and trades people enables him to direct homeowners to those that he knows and trusts when needed. He feels confident that his experience can be used to serve others who are absent from their home.

They have both experienced the direct effects of all hurricanes on Topsail homes since 1983. Their oceanfront home of ten years experienced a direct hit from hurricane Bertha, then Fran in 1996. During Floyd's assault in 1999, Tim's parents' home located on the NE Cape Fear River near Burgaw was completely submerged; then destroyed by Florence in 2018.

Slater (Left) & Tim (Right)

Topsail Home Watch

Our name says it all! Regardless whether you are gone for the season or a week, we are here to watch your property. We offer a customized service for each and every home, regardless of its size or complexity.

Individualized Watch Options

We provide a full consultation to explain available options so that you can choose the service that’s right for your property. We strive not only to meet our client's immediate needs, but also to prevent potential future problems.

Delivering Exceptional Service

We offer the most important service of all- peace of mind while you are away. Knowing that someone is visiting your home regularly takes the worry out of being away. We'll contact you immediately if anything is amiss. We are dedicated to providing exceptional service.

Basic Services

We are not licensed home inspectors, house sitters, security service, nor are we involved in property management as a rental agency . By offering home watch services, we are the eyes and ears for your property around the Topsail Island area. Every home and situation is different so after meeting with you we can develop a plan to fit your expectations and budget.